A Guide for Non-Finnish Citizens: How to start invoicing as a light entrepreneur with Eezy
If you are a non-Finnish citizen interested in the freedom and flexibility of working as a light entrepreneur in Finland, there are specific steps you need to follow before you can start invoicing. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process and requirements for non-Finnish citizens to become a light entrepreneur with Eezy.
Steps to become a light entrepreneur:
1. Register on Eezy’s online service
It is free to register, and you don’t have to commit to anything. You can start using the service right away after completing these steps or take your time to learn more about it. When you work as a light entrepreneur, you only pay for the service when you earn money.
2. Obtain a residence permit
If your nationality is other than Finnish, the first step after registering is to obtain a valid residence permit with an unlimited right to work. The residence permit card must have both sides photographed and sent to Eezy through our online service. For detailed instructions on residence permits, please check out the Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) website. A residence permit is required if there is no automatic right to work.
3. Perform a strong authentication
Next, you must complete the strong authentication process on Eezy’s online service. Identification can be done with online banking credentials (if you have those) or by visiting Eezy’s office in person or through video verification using Teams. This ensures the security of your identity. You can book an appointment here.
4. Obtain a Finnish Tax Card and a social security number
To work as a light entrepreneur in Finland, you need a Finnish tax card and a social security number. To obtain these, you must visit the local tax office in Finland with your residence permit and passport. The tax office will issue you a tax card and a social security number, which are necessary for tax reporting purposes. You don’t need to send the tax card to us, because we will retrieve it automatically when it has obtained.
5. Provide bank account Information
Ensure that you add your bank account number to your personal information on Eezy’s online service to receive your salary efficiently.
Ready – Set – Go!
Invoicing as a light entrepreneur through Eezy means that you don’t need a business ID. As a light entrepreneur you must find your own clients, negotiate fees, and agree on tasks with the clients. Eezy handles all the administrative tasks and paperwork, allowing you to focus solely on your work.
Psst! Did you know that Eezy provides ready-made contract templates both in Finnish and English, and it is strongly recommended to use written contracts for all assignments.
Embarking on the journey of light entrepreneurship can be rewarding and fulfilling. With Eezy’s assistance, the process is made more accessible and manageable. Remember, Eezy’s customer service is also available in English to answer any questions and provide support throughout your light entrepreneurial endeavors. We wish you the best of luck in your light entrepreneur journey and hope it brings you success!
Here are some useful links:
Light entrepreneur service – this is how it works
The difference between staff service work and light entrepreneurship
Do you have questions?
You can always call, send email or chat with us. You can also visit us or book a video meeting. Our customer service is open on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm, tel. 09 4242 1565 | startti.kevytyrittajat@eezy.fi