Experiences from our entrepreneurs

Why Eezy light entrepreneurship? Experiences from our entrepreneurs

What kind of experiences do light entrepreneurs have with Eezy? What is light entrepreneurship like in general? Of course, there are as many experiences as there are light entrepreneurs, but based on the light entrepreneur stories below and the feedback provided by our users, you will get an idea of ​​how our service is perceived among our customers.

If you are interested in light entrepreneurship, you can read more about the experiences of light entrepreneurs in addition to what light entrepreneurship is like at Eezy and how our service works. Registration is free, and you can start working right away. Also get to know about EezyPay.

Feedback from our users on Eezy’s light entrepreneurship

”Everything has been really easy and effortless with Eezy, great concept and good service. Thank you for that!”

– Anu, Graphic Designer

”This is such a good service and leaves a great feeling, you guys are my lifeline!”

– Minna Vainio

“I’ve done several years of work through Eezy together with my friend. He used to have a business name, but he felt it was easier to work through Eezy. In his case, working through Eezy also became a cheaper option because there were hardly any furniture reductions (e.g. car / business premises). It was also a relief when there was no need to prepare for advances. I personally find it convenient to work in a work group, when work situations change, one can also conveniently employ other Eezy users and quickly get auxiliary labor. Also great about self-employment is being able to self-regulate working hours and tailor holidays to the family schedule. The time spent at work is also an opportunity to get more money than in a traditional employment relationship.”

– Ape

”Working with you has always been a nice experience – your customer service is great!”

– Seppo Aaltonen

“Thank you for the good service, I have recommended you to all my acquaintances.”

– Pia P.

”And thanks again for the great customer service!”

– Johanna

”Two Johannas at Eezy are the heart of great customer service! Johanna Setänen convinced me and Seurana to be a customer at Eezy with her happy, active customer service touch and the same thing has continued ever since! You always get an answer and advise. Yesterday another Johanna helped right away and promised to contact our Seuralainen (companion). A big thank you for all this!”

– Mirka Saarinen

“Very easy all-around. I can focus entirely on my own work and the service has been smooth. Professional and nice staff. The question is almost always answered immediately, or within the next 5 minutes, someone calls back.”

– Rauno Stenman

“I have to praise how handy Eezy is, my own company’s paperwork would be impossible to manage. Nice to have you guys always helping me so kindly. I will try not to mess things up in the future.”

– Maarit S.

“I have used the Eezy service for about a year. Very often, I also use their EezyExpress service which allows quick processing of salary payment. This service is downright a great way to get paid on the same day you make an invoice. I used to be an entrepreneur, but Eezy offers me a sounder way to operate.”

– Tomi Palander

“First of all, thank you for your really good and fast service! I have been very satisfied.”

– Katja K.

“I definitely recommend, this is much better than having your own company. Service is good, everything works!”

– Jukka Kumpulainen

“I want to thank you once again for the remarkably good service. Thank you for suggesting your accident insurance. It was of great benefit to me. The insurance reimbursed me for all expenses and the lost work week. Thank you for that. Thank you for your kind service in all respects. I am incredibly pleased that things are always well taken care of!”

– Satu Isberg

“Everything has worked very smoothly from the beginning. Things are very easy. 🙂 clear and simple and best of all: when you have a moment with Johanna on the phone, joy catches on for the rest of day! THANK YOU VERY MUCH 😀”

– Merja S.

“I have been approached by your competitor’s company by phone and email, made an offer if I switch my invoicing service to them. I’m not changing because I am very satisfied with Eezy.”

– Tuija Saari Isique

Start light entrepreneurship right away

Would you like to become a light entrepreneur? You can register in Eezy’s service free of charge, and without any obligations. Start right away or take your time to take a closer look. You only pay the service fee when you are paid a salary.




Do you have questions?

You can always call, send email or chat with us.  You can also visit us or book a video meeting. Our customer service is open on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm, tel. 09 4242 1565 | startti.kevytyrittajat@eezy.fi