Our privacy policy has been updated and we have added information e.g. regarding the Valtti card. You can read the privacy policy on our website: kevytyrittajat.eezy.fi/en/privacy-policy/ …
We updated our privacy policy

Our privacy policy has been updated and we have added information e.g. regarding the Valtti card. You can read the privacy policy on our website: kevytyrittajat.eezy.fi/en/privacy-policy/ …
Our privacy policy has been updated and we have added information to e.g. cookies and tracking. You can read the privacy policy on our website: kevytyrittajat.eezy.fi/en/privacy-policy/ …
An mproved version of the online service has been released on 21.6.2021. This new version takes a giant leap forward in usability and has been developed together with our users. In addition to a clearer and fresher look, a number of new features will be introduced to make your everyday life easier. Here’s just a …
We have some good news! On 20.11.2020 The Supreme Administrative Court ruled that service fees will not require added VAT. This means that your service fee won’t have VAT charged. We’re currently updating our online system to adjust to this change- this will be ready by Monday 30th November. If you’re waiting for a salary …
The Supreme Administrative Court ruling applies to all invoicing services a.k.a light entrepreneurs who do not have their own business ID. The ruling came after a more than two year long appeal process, which turned out in favour for Eezy Kevytyrittäjät and the whole industry. On 20.11.2020 the Supreme Administrative Court decided that no VAT …